Friday, May 1, 2020

Week 14 

Final Project

This week is our final work for the class CET 720 Leadership and Evaluation.  This week we were to focus on an overview of what we have learned throughout the class by creating an IGNITE talk.  An Ignite talk uses 20 slides with an auto advancement at 15 seconds each.  I researched different ideas about how to organize an Ignite talk before starting.  I then created an outline focusing on the first 9 slides on the first book we read, "The Innovator's Mindset" by George Couros and then the next 9 slides on the book "The Edtech Advocate's Guide to Leading Change in Schools" by Mark Gura.  The first slide-I related it to my own thinking of technology and the last slide of what is happening in today's world for technology and a closing "gotcha."  My first information was way long for each slide.  I then began timing on a stopwatch to cut out extraneous information.  That was really hard.  Then you need to make sure you are transitioning with your words into the next slide.  Once I had a good overall outline-I began picking pictures for backgrounds.  To me an Ignite talk should have the focus on the speaker with just a visual for people to look at that relates to the point the speaker is making.  So all of my slides are background pictures only.  I also struggled with wanting to create a Title page!!!! I put one in and took it out, put it in and took it out, put it at the end and took it out.  The directions said to use the Apps Loom or Screen cast-o-matic.  I had trouble with each as you needed to have your webcam showing you at the same time as presenting.  I couldn't get them to work.  So, I emailed the Professor to use my tried and trusty Screencastify.  I then practiced and practiced.  I have 4 videos uploaded!  I then realized I looked terrible so I needed makeup!  So here is my overview of the course in my Ignite talk. ENJOY!

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