Friday, June 12, 2020

Summer Course and Bummers

Well, we are half way into the summer course already.  Summer courses are more jam-packed-instead of 9 weeks they are pushed into 6 weeks. The first course that I am in right now is a Multimedia course.  I am enjoying it so far.  We are learning different multimedia tools which will be great for me to bring into the classroom.  It wasn't 100% what I expected I guess.  I thought it would be more lesson based-meaning here is how you can take this information and use it in your classroom.  Instead it is more about-here are some multimedia tools -learn how to use them yourself.  Major bummer for me that a couple of things that I was planning/hoping for this summer are not coming to pass.  Is that a saying?  Anyways-one of the things that didn't happen was a Cybersecurity course through DSU-I wasn't chosen.  Another thing is my Summer Challenge Camps through St. Mary's are not going to happen due to Covid.  The decision was recently made that they can hold the camps but they must be outside.  Well, that is impossible when you need computers and internet access.  I think in the end these bummers are actually blessings in disguise.  I think I was filling my plate with too many things.  I was accepted to take an online workshop for Exploring Computer Science in July.  I am looking forward to this course.